and eventually become the najer contributor. This applies enly to
Gevices with yields ef lees than 100 kt, in whieh the Ayfrodynanis effect
is small.

Figure 1.1 show the contribution from fission-produst games

ent #* (n,)) for a l-kt surface burst. With respect to time, the #*
(na,) radiation is essentially exitted within 0.2 second; the fissicaproduct games, however, continue to contribute for the first 30 secenis.
Por Ghermonuciear devises, in afdition to gamma rediiaticn fren
fiesion-product gammas, it is necessary to consider the interaction of

neutrons from the fusion process vith ¥'*. me radiation due te the
fusion process may vary over wide limita depending on the design ef the

For a given yield, the sumber of neutrons available aay be ten

times as great for fusion es for fission, and thereforea largemumber"Or

Game photons are contributed ty the H°* (n,/) reactions (Reference 9).
Hovever, veceuse of the ghert half-life, this gaama radiation decays

defore it can be enhaneed by the Bydrodynenic effect. Gemmas fren the
Longer-lived fission profmets are greatly eohanced dy this effect. Therefore, fission prodects are the most inportant source of initial guum
exposure resulting from high-yield fission-fusion devices.

Residual Gemma Radiation.

sY. gies oa

‘The restiualgame rediation

eonsista of fisdion-product refiation from falleut end radiation fren
neutroo-inéuced activity.

‘fhe decay rate of the residual rediation fron

fallout will follow approximately the expressions:

2 yt

and re [Px at 2 52,(t,6.2to? )






Select target paragraph3