en underground blast ef a low-yiel4 device (Reference 3).

* Zhe advent of high-yield thermonuclear weapons has resulted in a

manifolA ducrease in the radiclegical hasard, and gomme radiation fron

fallout bas become of greater military significance.” Operation Castle

demonstrated that large quantities of redicactive material eould be
deposited by high-yield weapons over areas of several thousand square

This led to a military requirenent for falleut data for devices of

various types and yields.

Froject 2.1 was charged with documenting the

residual~-gamus radiation exposures from the fallout at land stations at
Bikini Atoll. during Operation Redwing.

The gama radiation enitted from e muclear detonation may be divided
into two portions;

initial radiation and residual radiation.


residual radiation may include radiation beth from fallout and neutroninduced activity.


Tn Chis report, the radiation emitted Garing the first

30 seconds is termed “initial radiation,” and that reeeived after 30°
seconds is called "residual radiation.”
i-3-1 “Initial Gamma Redistion.

For a fission-type device the initial

radiations are divided approximately as show in fable 1.1 (from Reference

Tae major contributien to initial gamma redisation is from the

fiscion~product gamas and the radiation from neutron eayture by FY (n,) )
din the EB components and air.

The prompt gommas are nearly all absorved

in the device itself and are wf little significance outside of the device.

The fission-product gammas predominate at close Aistances (Reference 8).

the w” (n,/) games become increasingly important at greater distances,

Select target paragraph3