A2 - page 3
memo is a paper that apparently his office wrote entitled "Factors Bearing

on the Organization and Planning of Future Weapons Tests" which essentially
gives his views of what the study group can best provide in the way of
recommendations and a brief view of the highlights and present status of
the current testing probabilities and test organization relationships.
Of interest y he states "the recently proposed consolidation of military
responsibilities for testing in a single agency combined with the
uncertainty as to the future of testing has suggested to the Joint Chiefs
of Staff the feasibility of inactivating JTF? and assigning its functions
to the arswe.® Furthermore,

it is noted that there is a number of possible

tests in areas and list§¢them in decreasing order

of probability as follows:


Underground testing in Nevada.


Underground testing in Nevada plus high altitude tests from JI.


The same as (2) plus underwater and/or very high altitude shots
at sea.


Same as (3) plus high altitude shots at Eniwetok.


Same as (4) plus low yield atmospheric shots in Nevada


Same as (5) plus atmospheric shots at Eniwetok limited as to
numbers and total fission yield.

This paper feels that the present organization, SautF7,

is based more or

less on business as usual which they feel to be No. 6 above which includes
underground and atmospheric shots in Nevada, high altitude shots at
Johnston |!stand and Eniwetok, underwater shots, very high altitude shots,
plus atmospheric shots at Eniwetok.


he makes the remark that

| don't understand that "since a number of factors point to the possibility
of such a situation arising as early as mid-1960, the organization requirements

Select target paragraph3