A2 - page 10
that the following personnel will be required:

headquarters JTF7: 77;

task group 7.2: 32; task group 7.3: 90; task group 7.4: .7; for a grand
total of 206 personnel."

These figures represent a 79% reduction in the

number of currently authorized spaces.

Furthermore, the DOD NTS support

unit would be augmented by about 25 people from field command DASA. To
facilitate obtaining any future military support required from the services,
it was determined that two permanent task groups, 7.2 and 7.4) should be
established similarly to task group 7.3, as recommended by CJTF7 in his
29 November



As for the future status of the proving grounds, the study group determined
that the NTS was in the process of roll-up and since the AEC has the
responsibility for operating the NTS, no reason was foreseen to change
this arrangement, withhold scheduled construction, or curtail military
roll-up operations.

A sub-committee formed to investigate the feasibility

of phasing down the resources in the EPG to a maintenance stand-by status
came to the following major conclusions and recommendations which were
submitted to the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Atomic Energy)
and the AEC general manager:

Consolidation of base camp facilities on Eniwetok Island.


Consolidation of AEC and DOD depots.


Moth balling facilities and equipment on PARRY Island.


Recomputation of heavy construction requirements, scientific stations,
and associated equipment maintained in a moth ball status.


Boat Pool be reduced in size and the remainder stored in Pear! Harbor
or otherwise disposed of.


Locally based aircraft be returned.

Select target paragraph3