3 AUGUST 1959
At 0850 hours the party departed Kwajalein and arrived at Utirik at 1030 hours.

The party went ashore and inspected the weather station,
mined to be the present condition of the station.



Following was deter-


1. BARRACKS #2 = In good condition,

2. BARRACKS #2 © In good condition except for one shutter hinge

3. DAY ROOM = In good condition,

lh. PUMP SHED = In good condition.
5. OPERATIONS & SUPPLY - In good condition.
6. RAWINSONDE PAD - In good condition.
7. REEFER BANKS = In good condition.
8. MESS HALL « In good condition.
9. WATER TOWER - In good condition,
10. POWER & DISTILLATION - In good condition.
11. ANTENNA POLES « In good condition,

12, PIER ~ In fair, useable condition.

The appearance of the station indicates that it has not been disturbed by the
natives, All closed buildings are secured with lecks, This station could

easily be activated.

be replaced.

All screening, where called for on the plans needs to

There is a superabundance of flies.

* See addendum #5 for applicable photos.


Select target paragraph3