means, supplementary to thet cf subparagraph 1 a (4)
ubove, of determining whether u porticulsr bomb
devonated in a normal or abnormal memnncr.
(2) The detormination cf the spectrum of fast
neutrons as an aid to future bomb dosign.
(3) The determination of the spectrum of high cnersy
Fore. Pays.

@. The Armed Ferces

have indicated vequirements for cxzperi-

mental cbhsurvations to determine the following:

&. The choracter of the blast both at ground lovel. and
at verisus clevations.
bh. The effect of blest apon structurcs ccupesed of
materials such as p.oinforced cenercte, and upun airplance

in flight.
& The éetaiied charncteristics cf tue


cloud ever on extended perind cof tine, ineluding fall-out
and surface contamination.

a, Metecrologicsl data te rorccast the movencnt and
behavior of the radioastive cloud.

e@. Rodietion dosages at various distances, and as 4
function of time.

£. Nediation shiclding efficicneies of various neateriols,
particularly reinforecd ccnenste.
g The degree and durstion of contamiantion and the
effectiveness of decontamination procedures.

Incendiary offects basod on the intensity cf heat

and on induecd surface winds.
fh. Mothods for the long range detection of nuclear oxplesions.
3. To eonduct operations on thc minimum practictbl.s senile tu

moct ti tentative requirements outlincd above and others which
may be proposed, 1t is planncd:


Enelesuro "4"

Select target paragraph3