1. The planned organization of the Joint Task Group tugether
with its related scientific personnel is outlined in the char*

in the Appendix hereto,

There shall be on the stets of the

Joint Task Force Commander a senior reprusentutive of the Atomic
Enerry Commission who will be desizneted as Test Director and
responsible directly to the Aconic Kaovey Comission for the
‘direction of technicel tent setivitios and tenhuicnl policies,
However, the Conmisasion's Director, cond throurh him, the

scientific starr, aro vlaced undes the Joint Tusk sores Commandcz
for those aspects of commend and control nocese2y for tho invegration of the opercstion as a whole,

The channel between mili-

tary commander and Test Director will be direct, the military
staff having no vespunsibilit: for ev osdir ting the bechnica
activities of the Test Director's cip-nizetion,

The vast majorite

of work between scientific and milfinres st2ffs can be successfully
accomplished only through mutucl agrveaent snd coordinete starr

Such collaborstion *s essenricl,

2. In the exocution of these respurviiliblities

it 1s conten-

platod that the Atomic Energy Conmmiucton willl furnish

to the Jetnt

Task Force the sotentivic personnel snd selontirie caquipment
necessary to commlete tlhe firing

onc oose: votieia,


services will furnish such porsvanel, milibapy uype coquipment
and services os

are necessary to

insures “12001



logistical support.
3, Details on the agrecment oo resguonsibillty must be develcpru
and modificd as plans progress,

Subject to the seuncrral policies.

outlined sbove, the Joint Task Force Comucndes and Test Lirector
should be suthorizcd to develen by mutual cgrecnment the dctatled
understendings on resosnateiiitios to cover the vortois «spocts
of the test,

Buelogue "I"

Select target paragraph3