4, The proposed policy with reference to allocation of costs
and the cstimate of charges to be borne by the AEC is set forth

in Enclosure "B".

Gencrally, it is proposed that the AEC bear

all the costs beyond the normal operating costs of the services
5. The following time schedule is anticipated:

1 - 15 November:

Complete plans and move initial con-

1 December:

Complete movement of construction
personnel, equipment and material
to cmbarkation point, and embark
Pollow-up forec.

1 January:

Complete rehabilitation construction,
initiate major construction projects.

15 March:

Aprival, of main body of AEC scientists
by ship, completion of construction

struction units to test arca.

projects to point where the AEC can

take over in accordance with previous

agreements, and completion of movenent of ground cchelon of Air Force.
1 April:

Complete movement air echelon,

6. A joint force will be organized to maintain physical

security of all phases cf the cperation to inelude the guarding &'
of weapons,

It is anticipatcod transporting fissionable parts

of the wospons by naval vessels as was done in operation



The downgrading cf any atomic onergy “restricted

data" will be accomplished only by the AEC, but initial restrictive wllitary security classifications may be relaxcd by the
Joint Tas}: Force commander os military requiroments dictate.

Detailed security plan and plan for relcase .«f public informa-

tion is atteched as Enclosure "c",
7. in selocting the site, the Joint Proof-Test Committee
has compared the relative merlts of both the suggested locations (Eniwetok and Kwajalein), and considers tho Eniwetok
location te be the only completely satisfactory sitc.


considerations reference Eniyvetok are discussed in detail in

Enclosure "D",

For technical reasons the Atomic Encorgy Commis-~-

sion strongly recommends selection of this site ovor Kwajalein.


Select target paragraph3