

1. Passenger and cargo space on rogularly scheduled Army
vessels which can be made available without the acquisition of
substitute vessels to carry normal Army movements will be mado

available without reimbursement from AEC,

Reimbursement will be

required for use of space requiring acquisition of substiltute

Present forocdst of available Army shipping for which

‘reimbursement will be required is:

1 December 1947

1 C-4 for 45 deys (Genoral Haan or General Collins)
1 Victory cargo ship for 90 days
5 February 1943


1 C-4 for 45 days
2, The following craft will be mede available by the Navy:
2 AKts

- To be availabic 1 December 1947 for
initial movement of carge and small
number of versonnel from Port Huenome,

2 AV'ts (4 & 5)

- These shins will be made available to
the technical personnel for carrying
out whatever operations are essential

from aflont,

1 CVE(Rendova)

- this carricr wlll be made availzble
as flag ship for tho project.

It is

expected that General Hull will
operate from this vessel,

3 LST's

- These three LST's will be used for
initial deployment of construction
personnel from Oahu to the Marshalls,
Initial equipment and material for
the project will be carried on these


Neceebee t


- 26 -

Appendix "D" to Enclesure’“H”

Select target paragraph3