1. The mission of the Joint Communications and Electronics
Division of the Task Pores Oomminder's staff is to provide,
operate and maintain such communication facilities as may be
required by the task force and the Atomic Enermy Commission,
and to furnish such technical assistance as the Test Director,
the RadLological Safety Officer, and others shall requirc,

within the limits of the resources nade available to the


Force Commender.
2. Communications and electronics operating and technical
personnel and materials will be

furnished jointly py the Army,

Navy, and Air Forec.
3. The shove

ineludes comnaid and administrative redio and

telephone facilities, air control tovers and .asocLatcd Sacilities,

local wire end radio nets,

installation of Submeoprine

control cables, cstublishnent cf neecssary electronics supply
dumps 2nd an clectronics

and instruacns repair and maintenence

4. The communication plun vill be based upon the assuription
thet there will be no requirements for communication Pacillties
necessary for the transmission of press,

news hrondcasts cor




Select target paragraph3