1. Radiological Safcty of cll pergonncl if a responsibility
of the Task Force Commundcr.

The Rediological Safcty Section

a3siats the Task Force Commander in this matter by performing
the following functions:

a. Inform the Task Force commander as to hazards invaived
which may cause injury or sickness to membcrs of his command.
b. Prepare instructious outlining the precautions necessary
for protcetion of pergonnc] auainst such hazards.

¢. Detection and detcrmination of intensity and types of
radicactivity which may be cncountcred and cyvaluate hasards ta

a. Advise Task Forces gurgcon as to diagnosis and treat ment of illncsa op injury resulting from cxposurc to radioactivity.
e. Organize and supervise decontamination of personnel and
f. Assemble cand opcrate miocssary equipment for accomplichment of functions listed above.
g- Assemble, cquip and instruct neccessary spectuli p rsonnel
for accomplishment of fuactLlons listed above.

h. Provide pequircmcnts as to Spacc and sv.clal facilitics.
i. Specify prelininary phygicul examinations reqiired of
personnel who will come un contact with rediouctivity.
plete physical oxomination Aneluding X-ray of chest,



blood count and urinelysis.)
j- Draw up repulations governing cnployment of personnel)
in radioactive areas for the approval of Tusk Force commander.
2. The Radiological Scfety Section also assists the technical
director by performing the following functions:
a. Detection and determination of intensity and types of
radioactivity which may be encountered and evaluate hraurds
to personnel,

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Enclosure "EB"

Select target paragraph3