
Only a very linited nuuber of official observers, aftcr

cloarance hy the


will witness the cncration.

No rupre-

sontntives of tho press or foreign personnel will be attached
to the Joint Task Porce,

Photoeraphic equipnent, other than for

official photographic purposes, is forbidden.

“Consorship or

personal mail or comzunications is not contemplated,
5. The Joint Chiefs of Staff have cstablishee military sccurlty

classifications for certain phases of operations as follows:
sccrot ~ the location of the test site and the general
tine of conducting tests as well as any infornation which will reluce studics and preparation ta
Q particular test.

Top Secret ~- the target date for a particular test.
It is believed that military ruquirenents will dictate the
periocic downgrading of the above entovorivs of infurmation.


downgrading will be accouplished directly by the Joint Task Force
Commander as wllitary requirenents dictate,

The downgrading of

any atonic energy "restricted data" will be accomplished only
by the 2.0¢,
6. The release to the public of any information cn the
sclontific and technical aspects of the operation will be the

responsibility of the anc,
7. It may be adviseble from tine ta time to reloasc informia-

tion on tho military participation in the test.

Such relvase

of information will be made only with the appreval of tho

secrotary of Defense in cach case.

Accordingly, no relcases

concornin: the operation will cuanate dircetly or indirectly

fron the Arny, the Navy or the Air Forco.

Enclosure ''c"

Select target paragraph3