(7) All supplies issued from stock for base operation
and maintenance for the purposes of the test,

(8) Packing and handlinr, charges for above sunplies
together with transportation charges except where transportation is by military air or surface vessels,
(a) Passenger and cargo space on regularly scheduled
Army vessels and passenger and cargo ships which can be
made available by the Army without the acquisition of
additional substitute vessels or resort to commercial

shipments to handle normal Army moverents, will be made
available without reimbursement rrom AEC in accordance
with priorities agreed vpon,

Army vessels which must be

replaced with substitute vessels or through utilization
of commorcial facilities will require relubursement from
AEC at the following vates which cover minimum operat ung

C-4 passenger


ZC-2 passener

1900 /day

VC-2 cargo




(9) Special clothing or perucnal equipment if puychase
is required for the purposes of the test.
(10) All charges for decommissiontne or continucd operation of forward test buses, or for placing such bases in a

caretaker status after completion of tests,

These charges

will include custody, care, and preservation of equipment,
(11) All expenses which may be incurred in the ovent it
is determined to establish a pe:mancnt proving fround in
the forward bases, will be the subject of future ugreoment
between the armed services and the AEC,

All costs

of conversion and reconversion of ships

and aircraft or other material which may be specifically
required for this project.

- 7-~

Wnelosure "3"

Select target paragraph3