and biological food-chain considerations.

It is anticipated

that technical standards and requirements will be provided by
responsible divisions within AEC Headquarters."


The organization of the field survey, the analytical

work, and the interpretive effort associated with the Eniwetok Program has largely been determined by the following considerations;


At the Headquarters level the Division of Biology and

Environmental Research (DBER) will have responsibility for assessing
the radiological implications of sources of direct radiation and food
chain-to-man paths,

DBER will provide guidance as to the data needed

from the field to conduct that assessment.
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The Division of Operational Safety (DOS)
will share responsibility for
planning the survey and will provide the
coordination of these plans and

their extension during the survey with the Assi
stant General Manager
for Environmental Safety (AGMES). DOS will
also provide information

on the survey to EPA staff at the Washingt
on level upon request. DOS
will review and evaluate all data and asse
ssments relevant to the feasibilit
of various cleanup methods and methods
for disposal of hazardous materials

and will make recommendations on
requirements, guidelines, and

environmental and health protection standards to
be employed during cleanup


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on technical organizations which already have made commitments for
their people for FY 73.

The number of qualified organizations able

and willing to respond is therefore limited.

Since no compromise on the quality or comprehensiveness of

the survey will be acceptable, participants are being chosen on the
basis of their being able to do the necessary high quality work in the

time frame in which it is needed.
With these considerations in mind, an organizational chart of the
Eniwetok Survey Program is shown in Fig. 1.

NVOO is the primary organi-

zation for implementing the survey, interacting with DMA, DBER, and
DOS at the Headquarters level.

The survey itself, and the interpretive

effort associated with it, have been divided into eight categories:


Select target paragraph3