
Two people will operate the Whaler and three will sample

from the LCU,
The sampling program will proceed from less contaminated areas of
the lagoon to the more highly contaminated areas in order to lessen the
probability of sample contamination.

Aquatic Survey Goals and Methods

To define the activity levels in the lagoon and reef environment


in order to assess levels of external exposure and the degree of eecon-





To assess surface exposure over the reef.
Only reef covered w/less than 3 feet of water
will be assayed,

Personnel operating from rafts or
on foot utilizing B-y survey


Immersion dose in off-shore beaches,

Analysis of water and sediment
sewaples and in-situ detection
methods using the Boston Whaler.


Definition of activity levels in the lagcon
and major out®low areas over the reers,


Assessment of sediment concentration

Using the Whaler and LCU, sedi

A) shore to 10 fm terrace in lagoon.

material, and bottom water will be


B) terrace to deep basin of lagoon.

C) deep basin,

D) craters.

cores, grab samples,


collected and analyzed.
An in-sivu
detector will be used to define
relative activity levels of the
<A detailed bottom survey
using an in-situ NaI detector will
be conducted off Runit, followed by
extensive sediment sampling.
The device used to obtain a botte:s
sample in any area will depend
entirely on the composition of the
The sediment in the

Lagoon varies from fine sand to

coral and algae.
The percent of
each type of bottom material depends on location, although, in
general, a higher percentage of
fine material is found closer to
shere where a@ corer may be used,

In the deeper area of the lagocn

higher percentages of formanifers
and nolimeda debris dominate.
these areas dredging and grab
sampling will be more successful.


Select target paragraph3