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The premise that administrative and labc&iatoty personnefcould serve as monitor personnel did not prove satisfactory; unit efficiency suffered when this occurred. Arrangements must
be made to have sufficient monitor personnel readily available.
The use of the AN/POR-T1B and the MX-5 survey meters proved adequ*te for monitoring
of radioactivity. The Jasper type of lon-chamber survey instrument, when cv, rected for humidity leaks, proved satisfactory for test monitoring.
Correlation between readings of radiation intensities at 50-ft altitudes and at ground levels
could not be obtained with a consistency that would establish a rule. In general, the intensities
at 50 ft could be multiplied by a factor of 3 a3 an approximation of intensities on the ground.
This could be said to be true of Mike shot and would not be applicable to other shots with different characteristics.
The use of H-19 helicopters proved to be of great aid {n radiation survey and recovery.
Their use permitted a maximum time within contaminated areas and a minimum time of transportation within contaminated areas.




Representatives of the Cantrol Group supervised the monitoring of samples removed from
F-84 aircraft of Project 1.38, snap samples of Project 5.4b, and samples for Project 7.3. They
were responsible for a special program of dosimetric measurementsfor pilots of the cloudsar ling aircraft. Three dosimeters and five film badges of separate design were used in this
program. This was done in order to determine average radiation exposures and to evaluate the

effectiveness of the lead suits worn by the pilots.
The Kwajalein Contro! Group assisted the AEC New York Operations Office in the preUminary phases of establishment of a radiation-survey system throughout the Marshai: Islands.
This Gioup procured drinking-water samples from Ponape, Kusaie, Majuro, and Kwajalein
before and after both shots and forwarded samples to the Radiological Field Laboratory for
They designated and instructed escort monitors for radiological-sample courier planes
originating at Kwajalein.

Kwajalein Results

Sample removal from F-84 aircraft was accompliened without accident or incident. Rehearsal a‘ded in efficient accomplishment cf the mission. The dosimetric program was gratifying in ita results and as 2 contribution to the future safety of cloud-sampling personnel.
Drinking-water samples from Bikint, Kusaie, Majuro, Ponape, and Kwajalein were found
to be free of radioactive contamination, but the collection and transportation of samples was so
siow that an.adequate advisory service was not provided. This prograin will be reviewed prior
to future test operations.
Escort monitoring of sample-return planes was abused in some cases and was used simply

aga means of quick return to the United States. These monitors should be provided from the
TG 132.1 Rad-Safe Unit and should be responsible for radiation safety aboard the plane from
source to destination. These samples, when properly packaged for shipment, do not present
radiation hazards to personnel but do present problems when crew and passengers are not
properly indoctrinated.


Control Group personnel assisted the Commander in Chief Pacific (CinCPac) in the evacuation of natives from Ujelang by LST 827 by providing radiological-safety services of survey
and sample collection.


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