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(4) Monitoring— Conference and Practical Exercise (3 Hr}.

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Included in the scope of in-

1. Definitions of terms encountered in monitoring procedures.

2. Discuesion of the problems encountered in the different types uf monitoring,1.e., air,


3. Practical monitoring exercise using appropriate instruments and sources, with the
students plotting isointensity lines.
(e) Protective Clothing and Practical Decontamination— Conference and Demonstration
(1 Hr), Included were a discussion of the theoretical nature of radioactive centamination, a
discussion of the methods of decontamination to be used during Operation Ivy, and a demonstration of the protective clothing available and that to be ured during the Operation whenever


() Monitor Responsibilities and Special Instructions Applicable to Operation Ivy,



A p.imary responsibility, established at previous operations, of the Rad-Safe Unit is the
training of personnei in the concept and principles of radiation safety. TU 7, as the principal
technical Rad-Safe organization of Joint Task Force (JTF) 132, conducted a series of seminar
discussions related to the technical operations involved in Operation Ivy. Recognized authorities within the Task Force were invited to address seminars related to their particular fields
of interest. These guest discussion leaders presented short introductory lectures and then
opened periods of guided discussion.

Seminar Subjects

(a) Concept of Operations. A presentation of the salient features of the FA operations
was given. Pertinent features of the TG 132.1 Operations Order were discussed, along with
the general plans for evacuation and reentry. Discussions pertaining to the general safety of
personnel, ships, and aircraft were held, The Task Force organization was covered.
(0) Radtologtcal-safety Operations. A presentation of the Task Force and Task Unit organization for radiation-safety operations was given. The nature of radiological hazards
following the Mike end King detonations was discussed, and the radiological-safety reguiations were reviewed. Discussions of the Mike and King recovery programs and of operations,
bota ashore and afloat, were included.
(c) Radiological Instrumentation, Included were discussions of field survey and personnel
instruments, operational characteristics for humid and arid climatic conditions, laboratory Instruments for test operations, NRDL instrument characteristics and operation, instrument
calibration, and future instrumentation developments.
(4) Dosimetry. This subject covered photodosimetry and records procedures for the operation, film and dosimeter characteristics, and requirements and limitations.
(e) Communications. Rad-Safe radio networks, Rad-Safe codes, types of communications
equipment, communications procedures, and field operations were included.
() Weather Relations. This subject covered atmospheric movements and fall-out considerations, calculation of radex from given wind conditions, and typical problems.
@) Sctentific Programa. Included wers discussions of AEC ard Department of Defense
(DOD) projects participating in Operation Ivy, organization of programs, objectives and de-

scriptions of projects, publications and expected dates of publications, and contriwations of

program and project monitors.
th) Weapon Effects, This subject covered the family of weapons, general descriptions;
blast, thermal, and nuclear radiation effects following atomic detonations; and scaling lew applications and typical problems.



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