Chemical analyses, samples dissolved and elements isolated chemically:

McClellan Laboratory (MCL) - data reported for 90. + 23954
in 166 soil and sediment samples (9 Feb.'73), in
297 samples (23 Feb.’73).

LFE Environmental Analysis Laboratory (LFE) - Contract complete
on 26 Feb.'73.

26 Feb.'73.

Analysis of 55 soil samples began on

Plan to deliver second batch of 50 samples

to LFE on 27 Feb.'73.

Eberline Instrument Corporation (EIC) They have reported 905. and 239 Pu data on.6 qualification samples.

In addition, they have analyzed a

second set of 6 qualification samples and have reported

239py data.

bias of 25%.

This last set of data showed a systematic

A standard solution of pure 239 + 240 Pu

has been shipped to EIC for calibration purposes.


expect standardization of their tracer solution with
the standard 239py will eliminate the bias.


of this standard solution will also be shipped to MCL,

LFE, and UW for interlab calibration.

University of Washington, Seattle (UW) Analysis of a set of 12 selected samples for 23%pu,

M52, and Re (is in progress) at UW and MCL.


will be compared to assure accurate calibration of
tracers, etc.


Select target paragraph3