
Footnotes to Tables A-1 through A-4
4 Data from Murai (1958).
b Includes data from Watt and Merrill (1963), fBurton (1965), Buchanan (1947), and Pennington (1976).

© Specific activity from Robisonet al. (1982a).

d Includes data from Robison et al. (1981).

© Specific activity used is that of reef fish.
f Specific activity calculated using the ratio (pCi/g shellfish tissue wet weight versus pCi/g fish tissue wet weight) from Bikini Atoll

(Robison et al., 1982a).

& Data used is from Hippopus hippopus and Tridacna squamosa.
h Data used is from coconut crabs from Arbar Island on Rongelap Atoll.
1 Specific activity used is that of coconut crab.


) Specific activity calculated using the ratio (pCi/g octopus tissue wet weight versus pCi/g fish tissue
wet weight) from Bikini Atoll (Robison
et al., 1982a).

k Specific activity calculated using the ratio (pCi/g turtle tissue wet weight versus pCi/g fish tissue wet weight) from Bikini Atoll (Robison
et al., 1982a).
I Specific activity is based on determinations from samples taken from Rongelap Island from the 1978 survey together with our mostrecent
trips to Rongelap Island in 1986 and 1987 by Dr. William Robison et al., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA.
M Specific activity is unpublished data from the 1978 NMIRS.

Specific activity used is that of pork kidney.

© Specific activity used is that of pork muscle.
P Specific activity calculated using the ratio (pCi/g bird eggs wet weight versus pCi/g bird muscle wet weight) from Bikini Atoll (Robison

et al., 1982a).

4 Specific activity used is that of chicken muscle.
T Specific activity used is that of turtle.
S Specific activity used is that of Pandanus fruit.

‘' Specific activity used is that of copra meat.

4 Specific activity used is calculated using concentration ratios (pCi/g fruit wet weight versus pCi/g soil dry weight) from the outeratolls
taken on the 1978survey.
Y Specific activity used is calculated using concentration ratios (pCi/g fruit weight versus pCi/g soil dry weight) from Bikini and Eneu Islands
at Bikini Atoll.

W Specific activity used is calculated using the same concentrationratio for 239+240Py and 241Am whennodatais available and assuming

239+240Py and 241 Am are the same.

* Specific activity used is that of squash.
Y Specific activity used is that of papaya.
2 Specific activity from Noshkin et al. (1981).


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