
= the fractional deposition of the

The model for females is the same as for
males up to a K mass of K, = 43 g. The modelfor
females is then represented by the following

ingested 137Cs in the short-term



= the fractional deposition in the
long-term compartment,



= the biological half-life of 197Cs





= the biological half-life of 137Cs





(Ky> 43g),

Ty = 14 e001 Kp

(Ky > 43 g),

a = 0.89 e(-0.016 K,)

(Kt > 43 g).


The biological half-life of 137Cs_ for
Marshallese children of various ages has been

The biological half-life and fractional
deposition for both compartments are
determined by the total potassium, Kt, in the
body. Values for the grams of potassium in the
total body, taken from Leggett 1987, were used
with a polynomial interpolation to generate Ky
for other ages. The body weight as a function of

measured by BNL (Lessard etal., 1979) and can

be compared with those predicted using the
model described above. The average T!/? for
137Cs for 14 children ages 5 to 10 was 43 d; the

average from the model is 40 d. For the 11- to

15-y age group, the BNL wholebody counting of

9 children gave a T'/? of 70 d; the model value

age, My, in kg, is taken from ICRP (1975) and

represented with equations developed by Adams
(1981). The body weight as a function of ageis
shownin Figs. 1 and 2.
The mass of most body organsis assumed to
be proportional to total pody mass; the
proportionality is established by the ratio of a
specific organ mass to the body mass of a
standard adult. Thus, the organ mass as a
function of age is also based on the ICRP agedependent body weights.
The biological half-lives and fractional
depositions for males are then determined from
the following equations (Leggett, 1986, 1987):

T]=T2=09K, +265

(g<K< 15g),

Ty =To =13

(15g <Ki< 20g),

for this age group is 72 d.

Infants, Children, and Adults

The cycling andretention of ingested 7°Sris
much more complex than that for ingested 137Cs.

The development and changing physiology of
bone structure from birth to adulthood greatly

affects retention and discrimination factors for
90Sr and also deposition patterns in the various
compartments of developing bone. For example,

the distinct cortical (compact bone) and

trabecular (cancellous) bone compartments in
adults are not nearly as well differentiated in
infants. Turnover times of calcium and strontium
due to bone modeling are much morerapid in

T2 =-1.22 + 0.72K;
T; =18 e(-0.016K,)

(Kt > 20 g)

a =0.6


a = 0.81 e(-0.014 Ky)

(Ky> 20 g).


Thus, the model

predictions are quite good for the Marshallese

infants and children than adults, and the Sr/Ca
discrimination factors and the gut transfer of
90Sr change markedly with age. Rather than
attempt a detailed discussion of bone


Select target paragraph3