investigation of the radiological con-

Drilled on 7/15/74 to a depth of 10 m

ditions, both from the standpoint of

and cased to total depth.

present distributions as well as

- 2.0 m AMSL.


future clean-up efforts, three wells
were drilled for groundwater studies


and five EXPOE wells were set with

Located about 65 m due east fror

slotted casing and made available for

the center of Cactus crater.


from 3/6/74 to 3/14/74 to a depth of

The wells are concentrated


in the sparsely vegetated area im-

53 m and cased to total depth.

mediately south of Cactus crater,

Elevation - 3.05 m AMSL(S).

but one well was drilled about onethird the length of the island from


Cactus near a suspected Pu burial

Located about 115 m from the center


of Cactus crater along a line running
east of southeast.


Drilled from

3/8/74 to 3/14/74 to a depth of 50 m

This is the well drilled near the

suspected Pu burial site.

and cased to total depth.

It is


-~ 2.34 m AMSL(S).

about 925 m SE from the center of
Cactus crater, about 25 m SW of the


road and 50 m NE of the lagoon beach.

Located on essentially the same

Vegetation is very sparse.

The well

ESE bearing from the center of Cactus

was drilled on 3/6/75 to a depth of

crater as XRU-2a at a distance of

10 m and cased to total depth.

about 190 m from the center of the

Elevation - 2.2 m AMSL(S).


Drilled from 3/14/74 to

3/21/74 to a depth of 73 m and cased to
ARU- 2

total depth.

Elevation - 2.68 m AMSL(S).

Located about 125 m from the center

of Cactus crater along a line running

just east of south.

Drilled on 3/7/74

Located about 60 m from the center

to a depth of 11 m and cased to total

of Cactus crater along a line running


west of south.

Elevation - 2.2 m AMSL(S).

This well is just off

the crater lip, about 65 m inland
Located about

from the edge of the lagoon.
115 m from the center


from 3/21/74 to 3/27/74 to a depth

of Cactus crater along a line running

of 52 m and cased to total depth.

midway between east and southeast.

Elevation - 1.83 m AMSL(S).

Select target paragraph3