be possible to prepare the final report soon,

Sections X¥ -


The material gathered during active work in these
sections has not been prepared into final reports.

The study on the effect of X-rays upon micro-plankton carried

on at the request of Col. Stafford L. Warren was further reviewed.
A condensation of the report forwarded to the District in November was

prepared for possible publication and will be started in Jamary 1947
through channels to secure declassification for publication,

Hanford Laboratory.

The laboratory in the 100-F area was put in operation with

Mr. Phillip A. Olson in attendance.

Mr. Richard Foster made a business trip from Seattle to

Hanford in connection with work at the laboratory.

On December 6, L. Re Donaldson.and Richard Foster procured

approximately 62,000 silver salmon eggs from 22 females at the Soos
Creek Station of the State of Washington Department of Fisheries.

These eggs were transferred to the 146 Building and the monitoring
studies started.
III. Croesreads Project.


The unpacking and identification of material collected at

Bikini contimed.

Much of the material and many of the specimens

contime to be radicactive.

Materials are being gathered and equipment assembled in

preparation for initiating studies on absorption and transference of
active materials in food chains.


Select target paragraph3