Following Operation SANDSTONE, Colonel Cody continued to consider
the possibilities of manned sampling,

Colonel Fackler meantime, returned

to his Air Weather Service duties on Qaam, ’


Operation SANDSTONE Conclusions
In spite of the manned sampling incident, the Air Force concluded

from Operation SANDSTONE that the reliability of drone aircraft for
collecting cloud samples -had been proven, but more drones would be needed
for the next test.


Sampling required improved drones and improved control

Also, more up to date sampling boxes should be designed for

sampler aircraft.

One of the biggest arguments for changing the design

of the filter collectors was that four Los Alamos personnel suffered

serious beta burns on their hands while handling samples,


Operation SANDSTONE, the Air Force recommended that a permanent drone
aircraft unit be established to carry out the sampling missions during
nuclear tests,

Such an organization would allow the retention of

experienced personnel and help insure the development of equipment
needed for sampling operations, |




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