ZEBRA Shot, ZEBRA day operations were not different from other
operations, with the exception that on the last SANDSTONE shot all
eight drone aircraft gathered samples,

Los Alamos personnel declared

the ZEBRA samples to be the best yet.

‘RadSafe Program on SANDSTOWE,
became very important.

The Rad-Safe program on SANDSTCNE

The unit monitored all aircraft, including

the drones, and had Rad-Safe monitors aboard all flights,


officers included Lieutenant Colonel Karl H, Houghton, involved in
radiation studies at the Air Force Special Weapons Center; Colonel

Robert N, Isbell, later tobecome chief of the Nuclear Applications
Branch at Air Research and Development Command; and Colonel J.J. Cody,
Jr., Assistant RadSafe Chier: 67 From the standpoint of future cloud

sampling operations, Colonel Cody's experiments with film badges on the
B-17 drone samplers were most significant.

He placed these detectors

on the outside fuselage of the drones, and inside where crew members

would have been had the planes been manned,




During Operation

SANDSTONE, an aircraft accidently flew through an atomic cloud and the
crew suffered no ill effects,

This incident commenced a chain of events

which eventually resulted in manned samplers.
As Task Force SEVEN was being staffed, Colonel Benjamin G. Holzman


SWEH «2-003,


Select target paragraph3