CROSSROADS were obtained from Air Force histories so that Task Group

7.4 staff members could read about problems encountered during the former

A sigificant change occurred with the new operation as security

classification became mich tighter.

Also, obtaining supplies and qualified

personnel was mich more difficult in 198 because the war was sometime
passed and military services were operating at a low abb.2°

Sampling forSANDSTONE. At this time, Colonel John R, Kilgore
commanded the First Experimental Guided Missiles Group, Eglin Air Force Base,

On 14 July 1948, Major General William L, Richardson, Chief of the Guided
Missiles Division, Air Force headquarters, wrote the Colonel requesting
information about the Group's capabilities to train and make available
either B-l17 or B-29 aircraft for special drme missions,

After studying

the problem, Colonel Kilgore's people concluded that it would take abot
two years to develop the B-29 for drone operation.

Emphasis shifted to

B-17 aircraft when on 15 August 1918, General Richardson visited Eglin Air
Force Base to discuss support for a drone operation similar to that
conducted during Operation CROSSROADS.

The first talk assumed that 10

drone B-17 aircraft and 6 control aircraft would be needed,


Kilgore believed his group could handle the job and preparation of the
sampler drones for SANDSTONE got under way,

the drone requirement changed.

However, on 8 December 1918,

Colonel Kilgore was to supply 12 samplers

and 12 contrel B-17 aircraft.
The drone unit, Task Unit 7.4.2, had the most serious training problem

in Task Group 7.) because of the peculiarities of its mission. Personnel





Select target paragraph3