samples were removed. ?

However, only one of the three F6F drones returned

with a usable sample ,4°
Evaluation of CROSSROADS Sampling
. The Manhattan Project scientists left no doubt they had received

valuable information from the sampler drones during Operation CROSSROADS.
Sampling papers from both shots were good, although only one B-17 and one

F6F got samples on BAKER Shot,

Subsequent chemical tests indicated that

no fractionation had taken place.

The rubber air bags, carried aboard

the B-17 drone aircraftworked very well for collecting samples,


had been opened for about 30 seconds while in the cloud; and scooped up
air and debris samples.

However, technicians were unable to use these

because ", . . we were unable to learn in time how to get the activities
out of the bag without fractionation, #2

Finally, a B-29 tracked the

atomic cloud in an attempt to sample if all other methods failed.


ABLE Shot the B-29 attempted a sample several hours after the shot, but
the radiation intensity was barely detectable 3

After a look at the data back at Los Alamos, Mr. Rubinson made these
recommendations for future attempts to sample nuclear clouds:
If it is at all possible, samples should be collected
by the drone air filter method. These were our most
reliable samples, . . . It should also be important

to try to collect a sample about 2); hours after shot,
with precipitron on a B-29, in order to see if an

accurate efficiency determination is feasible with

such a sample,




The following spring, on 3 April 1947, the Tos Alamos Scientific





Select target paragraph3