programed pattern while waiting for the 8-29 aircraft to drop the bomb.
A fifth B-l7 bomber, the master control aircraft, also circled with the
others over Bikini Lagoon.-°

~ A command aircraft, with




circled over the test area on the lookout for any last minute changes
to the air pattern while the B-29, arriving with the bomb, reported
bombs away and at approxinately 0900 ABLE exploded over the target fleet.”

At this point, the control aircraft, MARMALADE TWO, turned its B-17 drone,
FOX, toward the risingcloud at an altitude of 24,000feet.

As the drone

neared the atomic cloud, MARMALADE TWO released it on automatic pilot and
drone FOX entered the cloud-about eight minutes after explosion, MARMALADE

TWO speeded up, circling around the cloud carefully, and when FOX drone
came out the other side, again took command and began the trip back to

At 0920 GEORGE drone entered the cloud at 30,000 feet altitude,
The control B-17 was heavily loaded with fuel and, when it had circled
the cloud, GEORGE drone had already come out and was headed away.


master drone control aircraft then took control of GEORGE until the
control aircraft caught up,
by LOVE drone at 0922,

At 0921 HOW drone entered the cloud followed

Both were recovered by their control aircraft,

The four B-17 drones were flown back to Eniwetok and turned over to
the drone controllers in jeeps at the end of the runway,

Al] four drmes

landed and taxied to the radiological safety area, Radiologists and
project personel removed the air bags and fuselage filters, loaded them
aboard a transport aircraft, and flew them to Kwajalein for laboratory



Select target paragraph3