Undertaken at a time when atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons
or devices had been discontinued fcr more than two years, this monograph
was to be a record of nuclear cloud sampling.

Prior to completion of

the compilation of documents, interviews, and the writing of the
narratives, the Russians had started atmospheric testing and the United
States had resorted to underground testing,

As this history was concluded,

DOMINIC was underway and the sampling story contimed,

From the opening chapters the transition is toward a "problemsolving" attitude.

The problems which appear in the early tests are not

the problems of later tests;

the solutions to the problems of the later

tests appear to have potential future use, therefore they are discussed
in detail,

Emphasis has been placed on presenting the solutions to

problems unique to the sampling effort,

Nevertheless, the chronicling

of the cloud sampling effort cannot be completely divorced from the entire
nuclear testing activities,

Basically, the text contains information which all of those directly
associated with nuclear cloud sampling or with decontamination af.aircraft
should have knowledge.

It is hoped that a study such as this will result

in an increase in the understanding of the need for nuclear cloud

thatin turn, will result in an increase in the "motivation"

level of those called upon for participation in future sampling efforts,

Except in such sections as are inherently technical in nature, a
concerted effort has been made to reduce technical terms and phraseology



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Select target paragraph3