Plaintiffs wish to make it very clear, however,
that they do not want Bikini Resettlement stopoed.


only want it halted long enough to bring it uncer control
and organize it so there is compliance with NEPA and some
reasonable chance that the project will result in benefit to
the People of Bikini.
It is requested that this Court’ enter an order
requiring that the Defendant agencies be required to seek
and obtain step-by-step prior Court approval of further
spending on the Bikini Resettlement and that they be required
to report to the Court on a regular basis, not less frequently
than every 45 days, as to the progress of those steps of the
Resettlement which have been approved by the Court for
further action.
It should be clear that Plaintiffs ez2 at this
tims willing to consent to further agency spending on those
specific steps which they have asked the Court to order
Defendants to take in the next few days and months, without
need for the Defendants to seek further Court approval
before taking those steps.

Thus, the specific affirmative

Steps which are sought in this Motion for Prelininary Injunction can be undertaken by the Defendant ezencies and
money can be spent on them without any need on the part of
Defendant agencies to obtain prior Court approval for such


However, all other spending supposeciy related to

“the Bikini Resettlenent, apart from the steps specifically
requested to be affirmatively ordered above, snould be


halted immediately, including intraagency, intoragency and
contract payments until such time as the Courz approves

Select target paragraph3