The President inquired whether what had happened at the

Florida grounds yesterday constituted a failure to launch the scientific satellite. Secretary Quarles replied that it had not been a
failure, but that a delay had occurred in the course of the countdown.

The President then went on to inquire whether there were not

other launching sites available for the earth satellite. Couldn't
we launch our satellite from some desert region rather than from the
thickly-populated Florida coast?

Secretary Quarles replied that

while it might well be desirable to have additional launching sites
for the earth satellite, none had been prepared. The President then
inquired whether it was not possible to shield the activities and
the installations from which the satellite would be launched. Could
not something be done so that not everyone within miles of the Flor-

ida base could see the rocket?

Secretary Dulles continued to express his irritation at

our practice of giving out such precise announcements of the days,
hours, and minutes of our launching attempts. What had happened

yesterday had made us the laughing-stock of the whole Free World,

and was being most effectively exploited by the Soviets.
Quarles again replied that our announcement policy had been drawn

up in terms of a certain philosophy about our scientific satellite

Perhaps we should change this philosophy.

Dr. Killian then suggested that he and Secretary Quarles,

together with Dr. Bronk and Dr. Waterman, should sit down and try to
figure out how best to deal with the timing of our announcements of
attempts to launch our earth satellites.

Mr. Allen stated that from the point of view of the U. S.°
Information Agency, he emphatically believed it would be best if the

President were to order that no announcement was to be made next time
until the scientific satellite was actually in its orbit.

The National Security Council:
Noted the President's request that the Deputy Secretary of
Defense and the Special Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, in consultation with the Director, National Science Foundation, and the President, National
Academy of Sciences, study whether public announcement of
any attempted launching of a U. S. scientific satellite
could be postponed until a successful launching had been



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The above action, as approved by the President, sub-

sequently transmitted to the Deputy Secretary of De-

fense, the Special Assistant to the President for
Science and Technology, the Director, National Science Foundation, and the President, National Academy
of Sciences, for appropriate implementation.




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