after those tests had been completed.
With this flexibility,
no conflict is foreseen between those tests and the most
optimistic advance of the cleanup work.


That the single manager concept be adopted for the
cleanup and an Ad Hoc Interagency Coordination Committee be

established at Washington level to provide planning guidance
and to set policy where the responsibilities and interests of
several departments or agencies are involved.

That the program for return of the atoll to the TTPI

be divided into the following phases:

Survey and Preliminary Planning Phase


Cleanup Phase


Rehabilitation and Resettlement Phase

and that primary responsibility of each of these be assigned a
lead agency.

That an agreement on source and method of funding be

' obtained.
AEC and DNA are funding for the current radiological
and engineering surveys required for development of suitable
Neither agency intends to provide such support to the
cleanup operation without reimbursement.

That general approval be given the cleanup scheme

which calls for initiation of the actual cleanup operation

after results of the October - December 1972 survey are known.

hat in addition to the Department of Interior,


Department of Defense and the Atomic Energy Commission, the
following agencies be invited to have representatives attend
the Interagency meeting on 7 September:

Office, Management and Budget
(2) ~° Council on Environmental Quality
Office of Science and Technology


' (8)


Department of State

Department of Justice

“Department of Agriculture

Surgeon General's Office (HEW)
Environmental Protection Agency
Department of Transportation ~

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Select target paragraph3