
The following recommendations are made as a first step in
the quality of the program.

emphasis total health care for the people of Utirik, Rongelap,

and Bikini rather than the constant stressing of research. The
Brookhaven program should assume full responsibility for all the

health care needs of the people on these islands until an adeuuate
local program is established to provide the care.

The data collection

of the research component can be accomplished in the broad general

health care program.

continue to develop the doctor-patient relationship such that

people feel invited to see the doctor not forced.
3. expand the program such that all the people at Utirik are included
for yearly examinations and quarterly survey medical care.

expand the program to permit children of ihe exposed people to

have examinations on a regular yearly basis.

expand the health care program so that people living at Bikini

and eventually those returning to Enirvetok be included in the

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6G. provide funding to improve the education of the health aides
at Rongelap, Utirik, and Bikini. This education would provide better
care for the pecple when the doctors are not on the island. Better
records would be kept. Make the resident physician more responsible
tor daily health care problems via a radio network.

complete health records of all the people should be transferred

to a permanent file system based in the islands and carried on each
trip. Secretarial help should be made available to maintain and update
this record system.

at Utirik, arrange to have one of the metal AEC buildings converted

into a new dispensary.

at Rongcelap, allow the people to use the tractor stored there to he-'p

clear the island and general island improvements.

provide adequate food so that when people are removed from their

activities for examinations they and their families will be fed.

Similarly, when a patient is returned to the United States, provide

food assistance for the family left behind.

Select target paragraph3