H. Hollister


October 23, 1978

after the cleanup. Since a thorough dose assessment requires data on’
the incorporation of radionuclides in food stuffs, considerable advance

planningis necessary.

I will call you with further comments and


Other concerns arose at the October 3-4 meeting which are not mentioned
on the attached. Most are related to the management topic. For example,

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We are interested in knowing about DOE's plans to obtain the data,

especially on 2USr and I3/Cs, needed to complete a dose assessment on
the islands that have been cleaned up.










We were informed that no intercalibration of the radionuclide analysis


conducted by the ERSP laboratory on Enewetak had been done or was planned.
We believe this essential to the credibility of the analytical effort.

The Advisory Groupcontinues to believe that a review meeting for all

Northern Marshall Islands projects would be profitable. Planning for
such a meeting should be initiated soon if it is to be hetd early in

I note that there is concern among some of the Advisory Group members
that we are being asked to give guidance on specific technical matters
for which we have inadequate information and insufficient time and
| resources to gather and evaluate the available data. For example, we
believe we are much more effective in reviewing position papers on
technical issues (dose assessment paper by Robison and Noshkin), solicy
issues (the Deal

letter to Admiral Monroe regarding coconut planwaa),

and operationai issues (the Northern Marshall Islands Survey Piz’: than
we are in providing guidance to specific technical matters for wecten
we have little first hand knowledge of the data and their limitations.


>z!ieve we could offer more positive advice on tne

Aomon Crypt ar: in subsurface contamination if we could review plans
proposed by the Joint Task Group, the DOE and contractor staff at
Enewetak, etc.
‘these people have the necessary technical data to develop
action ptans and to support their plan for review by the Advisory Group
or by anyone else.
“Before the next meeting of the Advisory Group we would like to resolve
Several action items that remain from previous meetings.
I'll send you
a tabulation of these. From this list we can easily develop an agenda
for our next meeting. We would also expect to deal with any new issues
identified by the DOE staff or the JTG.
O Mart

“OW. J.

Bair, Ph.D.

Environment, Health and
Safety Research Program


Comments and Recommendations...




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