ACH NOS A, PAAA RH NS RERF Re FH RR Mh RADIATION EFFECTS RESEARCH FOUNDATION Cable Address: <-2 Hijiyama Park, Hiroshima 730 KBBKEUEB x Ba ti He PAATRL tH 2 4 Telephone: 0822 61-3131 HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI RERFHiroshima, Japan A Cooperative Japan — United States Research Organization H K s+ fl FH eR #® BR April 8, 1980 Eugene P. Cronkite, M.D. Medical Department Brookhaven National Laboratory Associated Universities, Inc. Upton, New York 11973 Dear Dr. Cronkite: Thank you for your kind letter of March 27, I sent a letter of inquiry to Dr. Paglia and hopefully he can spend his sabbatical year at RERF, If the expenses of his travel and stay at RERF have to be covered by RERF, the possibility of such arrangements will be considered by Dr. Clifton and Mr. Jablon. I feel that Dr. Paglia's interest in biochemical genetics would be appreciated by RERF, and he could make a contribution to the BGS program. Per your suggestion, I will contact Drs, Harigaya and Inoue. However, the chance of recruiting these pathologists might be slim, because they have to return to the institutes where their position is being held. The cherry blossom trees are in full bloom now on Hijiyama Hill. wish that you were here to enjoy them. ~ I Thank you again for your help, Sincerely, 7? v cc: Dr. Clifton Mel, la ‘bo Toshio eile Chief of Pathology. t Lab REPOSITORY ‘Brookdhpven Ma Eien kite COLLECTION ecar BOX No. 7 VA / ; D eon feet § FOLDER $44. LA, Lepod Dp Ee Uf