Fallout deposition m the Marshall Islands @ HL Beck er a
and 1958 tests, however, deposited relatively little fallout


the Marshall Islands m the early 1960's was estimated to

and, thus, any uncertamty mtroduced by these stmulations has very little 1mpact on our estimates of total
fallout deposition

be about 56 kBq m™* X 016 = 09 kBqm™ This 1s

'7Cs ground deposition due to global fallout

fallout '°’Cs deposited m Marshall Islands, we estimated

Becausethefallout estimates of most radionuchdes

were derived from measured activities of "Cs m soil,

careful attention was pard to the separation of the ’Cs

activity due to fallout durmg thefirst week orso after the
test—when the radioactive cloud was passmg over the

similar to the estimate of 07 kBq m~* denved by
Whitcomb (2002) on the basis of a literature survey

Usmg the estmate of 09 kBq m™~fortotal global

the residual global fallout component m 1978 and 1994
when soil activity measurements were made For the
purposesofour calculations, we have assumedthatall of
the global fallout was deposited m 1961

Marshall Islands for the first time (so-called “local

Effective decay rate of °’Cs in the Marshall Islands

fallout after the radioactive debris from thattest or other
tests had circled the globe once or more (producing
“global fallout”)

the upper horizons of soil m the Marshall Islandsat a rate
higher than due to radioactive decay alone, as suggested

fallout’”)}— compared to the ""Cs activity resultmg from

The estimated concentrations of °’Cs m soil sam-

ples collected m 1978 by Robison et al (1981, 1997) and
m 1991-1993 by Simon and Graham (1997) had two
sources (1) the local fallout due to tests conducted at
Bikim and Enewetak, and (2) the global fallout due to

nuclear weapons tests conducted monthsor years earlier
im the Pacific as well in other sites of the northern

Theglobal fallout of 'Cs m the Marshall Islands

was estimated im this work based on a comparison of the
deposition of “Sr, measured m steel pots at Majuro,
Enewetak, and Ponape Micronesia (alternate spellmg
Pohnpe1) during 1960-1970 with that collected m NYC

Weaccounted for the fact that '’Cs was lost from

by Robison et al


Failure to account for this

weathermg effect resulted m previous estrmates of the
deposition density at the time of fallout, based on

contemporary measurementsof '*’Cs mvyentory assummg
only stmple radioactive decay, bemg sigmficantly underestimated (by as much as a factor of three to four for

somesouthern atolls) Contemporary '*’Cs to “Srratios

m soils collected by Robison et al (1981) in 1978, as

well as a comparison of '*’Cs msouls ofatolls sampled by

both Robison et al (1981) m 1978 and Simon and
Graham (1997) m 1991-1993, confirm the Robison et al

(2003) findmgthat '*7Cs 1s lost from the soil profile to

mventory from global fallout m NYC In NYC, 26 kBq

ground water m the Marshall Islands Because the soils
of the coral atolls have virtually no clay content, and
because the soil is pure CaCO, below the soil horizon
where the orgamic matter 1s located (at most about 50

compared to 0.43 kBq m~“at Mauroforthe sameperiod,
a ratio of 17% Similar “Sr deposition ratios for the same


durmg the same period (Larsen 1983), and the total °’Cs

m™~ of “Sr was deposited between 1960 and 1970,

period are obtamed for Enewetak (15%), Kosrae Micronesia (11%) and Ponape Micronesia (15%), even though
Mayuro has a much different annual ramfall, about 340

cm compared to 200 cm for Enewetak and 500 cm for
Ponape Thus, it appears thatall atolls of the Marshall
Islands received on average about 16% as much global
fallout as did NYC The similarity of the ratios for
locations at different lattudes and with different precipitation levels agrees with the findmgs of Simon and
Graham (1997) who noted that the decrease m global

fallout deposition with decreasing latitude (UNSCEAR
2000) 1s offset in the Marshall Islands by an mcrease in
deposition at lower latitudes because of their greater
annual ramfall rates

The mventory of "Cs from global fallout m NYC

[inferred from measurements of “Sr through 1981 re-

ported by Larsen (1983)] was about 5 6 kKBg m~? m the
early 1960’s at the end of the period of heavy fallout

Hence, the global fallout deposition density of Cs m

cm), there 1s a contmual downward migration of ¥’Cs
due to the low bmdmg capacity of the upper soil

Our estimates of effective half-lives, taking

imto account the combimation of the environmental loss
and radioactive decay, are given m Table 2 forall atolls
of the Marshall Islands, ordered by increasmg average

amual precipitation

The estimated half-hves for environmental loss
ranged from about 15-60 y correspondmg to effective
half-hves rangmg from 10 to 20 y Our estimated
environmental loss rates are somewhat Jess than those
estimated for Bikim and Enewetak by Robison et al
(2003) However, the calculations of Robison et al
(2003) did not account for fractionation At relatively

close-in distances to ground zero for a near surface
explosion, fractionation can be very high and thus the

ratio of ’Cs to Sr m fallout 1s much lower than the
ratio expected based on the atom ratio of these nuchdes

from nuclearfission (see next section) When corrected
for fractionation, the effective half-life at Bikim, reported

by Robison et al (2003), would thus probably be closer
to 12 y rather than the 8-10 y they reported Although an

Select target paragraph3