Fallout deposition in the Marshall Islands @ H. L. Beck er AL.

Ujelang, Utrik, Wotho, and Rongelap during the 1958

tests (PHS 1956, 1958), reporting the maximum daily

exposure rates measured with survey meters. Except for
test Yoke at Kwajalein, we could not locate any exposure
rate data for tests conducted before 1952.
All reported exposure rate survey data for the Castle
series were multiplied by a factor of 1.3 to correct for
deficiencies in the energy and angular response of the
survey meters used at that time that caused readingsto be


a large numberof radionuclides, normalized to 1 mR h!
at H+12, for various degrees of fractionation and for

several nuclear tests. The ratios of '°’Cs to exposure rate
at H+12 (°"Cs/E12) were usedto estimate '°’Cs deposition density from exposure rate data. Theratio of '*’Cs

to exposure rate at H+ 12 dependsstrongly on the degree

of fractionation [estimated as a ratio of refractory (R) to
volatile (V) nuclides relative to no fractionation, (R/V =
1)] as shown in Table 1. Our estimates of fractionation at

low by 20-30% (Sondhaus and Bond 1959).

each atoll are discussedlater in this section. For example,

(1955) was found to be in reasonable agreement with

Bq m~* per mR bh! at H+12 for all non-TNtests and to
equal 31.8 Bg m* per mR h' at H+12 for all TN tests.

The correction factor to convert measurements made
at altitude to ground level used by Breslin and Cassidy

model calculations made later of the variation of exposure rate with height above the ground for surface
deposits of radioactivity (Beck and dePlanque 1968). In
some cases, however, the exposure rate estimates made

in the 1950’s at altitude may not have accurately reflected the true amount of fallout deposited. This was
likely true for small islands because the relatively large
field of view at the flight altitude would include some
open ocean. Thus, estimated exposurerates at atolls from
the test sites where the net signal was on the order of the
average backgroundsignal (0.05 to 0.1 mR h') are very
uncertain and assumed to have been generally biased
low. This relatively high background signal, determined
by measurements over open ocean in the vicinity of the
atoll, and due primarily to airplane and detector background, limited the ability to accurately detect small
amounts of fallout on the atolls.
The exposure rates, corrected for all known defi-

clencies, were normalized to the same time postdetonation (12 h afterwards, termed H+12) using the

temporal variation reported by Hicks (1982) for a number of nuclear tests. The variation with time reported for
Bravo wasused for all TN tests, while the variation with

time reported for Tesla was used for the non-TNtests. In
a companion paper (Bouville et al. 2010), we show that
the decay rate as a function of time after detonation does
not vary substantially from one TNtest to another and,
for that reason, we assumedthe Bravo decay rate forall

TN tests and the Tesla decay rate for non-TNtests to be
an acceptable approximation. We also show in Bouville
et al. (2010) that the decay rate during the first few weeks
after the test does not vary substantially with the degree
of fractionation of the fallout or the likely degree of
weathering. In both cases, sums of 10 exponential terms

were usedto accurately fit the reported time-dependence.

In order to estimate '*’Cs deposition density from

exposure rate measurements we used the model calcula-

tions reported by Hicks (1981, 1982, 1984). Besides the

variation in exposure rate as a function of time, Hicks
also reported the values of relative deposition density for

for distant atolls (where R/V = 0.5), the '*’Cs deposition
density at the time of fallout was taken to be equal to 43.7

Historical measurements of daily deposition density

The daily deposition density could be estimated, in

some cases, from historical measurements of beta activ-

ity collected on gummed film used to monitor fallout

(Bouville and Beck 2000; Harley et al. 1960). Gummed

film wasa passive collector of atmospheric aerosols that
was mounted horizontally above ground at 1 m height
and that would collect particles through their adherence
to its sticky surface. Gummedfilm was usually exposed
for 24 hours, after which the total beta activity of the
radioactive material collected on the film was measured.
In the Marshall Islands, routine gummed film sampling
was carried out only on Kwajalein (1952-1959) and
Majuro (1952 and 1954 only) Atolls, and further away
but still relatively close-by at two locations in Micronesia, Pohnpei and Kosrae as indicated by archival
gummedfilm data (List 1955; Heidt et al. 1952).

However, some additional gummed film data for

other atolls (unpublished) were also foundin the archives

of the HASL in New York City (NYC). Those gummed
film data were used to help infer fallout patterns and
confirm ground and aerial survey measurements. In order

to estimate the '°’Cs deposition or the exposure rate at
H+12 from the beta activity measured on the film, the

gummed film data were corrected for collection effi-

ciency, loss of volatiles, and decayed in a mannersimilar

to that used to analyze the gummedfilm data from the
nuclear tests that were conducted at the NTS (Becketal.


Table 1. Estimated ratios of °’Cs/E12 (Bq m~ per mR h”! at

H+12) as a function of R/V for TN tests.





Select target paragraph3