Fallout deposition in the Marshall Islands @ H. L. Beck er at.


Table 8. Four groups of atolls and islands based on similar cumulative '°’Cs deposition densities (kKBq m~*) from
regional fallout. Atolls are listed alphabetically within each group.

Atoll group

Mean cumulative
deposition density
of 87Cs (kBq m°)


Range of '*’Cs
deposition density
(kBq m7’)

Southern atolls

Ailinglaplap, Arno, Aur, Ebon, Erikub,
Jabat, Jaluit, Kili Island, Knox, Lae, Lib
Island, Majuro, Maloelap, Mili, Namorik,



Mid-latitude atolls

Ailuk, Jemo Island, Kwajalein, Likiep, Mejit



Namu, Ujae

Northern atolls

Island, Ujelang, Wotho, Wotje
Utrik, Taka
Ailinginae, Bikar, Rongelap Island, Rongerik

magnitude of the mean deposition density, the deposition on
individual islands could vary considerably.

As a meansto verify our estimates of '*’Cs depos-

ited from eachtest at each atoll, the deposition estimates

at each atoll from each test were each decay-corrected to

later years when the inventory of '*’Cs was measured
using the effective decay rates discussed earlier. Thus, in
making the decay correction, we considered not only
radioactive decay but, also, the environmentalloss,1.e.,

the gradualloss of '°’Cs from the upper layers of soil due
to downward migration as a result of long-term precipi-

tation. The losses of '’Cs due to both decay and

migration are described by the effective decay rate
described previously. The sum of the decay-corrected

'"Cs depositions from each of the tests was compared
with the inventory (corrected for global fallout '°’Cs) at

the same atoll measured years after the testing had
ceased. A ratio of the estimated total inventory (from
summing depositions from each test) to the measured
inventory (also reflecting all tests) that was reasonably
close to unity was considered as evidence or corroboration that the individual test-specific depositions were
reasonable. Where the ratio deviated from unity by more
than our estimate of the uncertainty on our sum of the
cumulative deposition from all tests, we considered the

possibility that some of the measurement data were
problematic or that an important source of additional
fallout was unaccounted for. To resolve those inconsistencies, we used plots of the geographic pattern of the
estimated fallout deposition from each test, as well as from
all tests together, supplemented with the patterns of fallout
deposition predicted by a meteorological model (NOAAHYSPLIT), to identify where our interpretations of data
might have been faulty. These steps were implemented to
assist us reformulating individual deposition density
estimates with the overall purpose of improving parity
between the sum of our test-specific deposition estimates
and measurements of total inventory.
It is important to note that for manytests andatolls,
only sparse historical measurement data were available.



In addition, contemporary measurements, which gener-

ally are of high precision, can have limitations in their

usefulness since soil disturbance over the intervening
years sometimes render them unrepresentative of the
original deposition. The iterative technique of comparing
fallout measurements with fallout estimates, followed by
adjustments based on geographically-based patterns, was
used to achieve an improved concordance between the

total measured soil '°’Cs inventory and the total estimated '°’Cs deposition. We believe that more reliable
estimates of the deposition from individual tests could be
made this way compared to relying only on sparse
historical measurementdata.

The calculated inventory of '*’Cs for each atoll for

1978 and 1991-1993 was comparedwith the average soil

inventory measured by Robison et al. (1981) at 12 atolls
in 1978 and by Simon and Graham (1997) at 30 atolls in
1993 (see Table 9). Since the depositions occurred at

different times, each individual test deposition estimate was
decayed (using the effective decay rates given in Table 2) to
the time of a relevant soil measurement before summing to
make this comparison. The uncertainty in the ratio was
calculated from the estimated uncertainty in the individual
deposition estimates, in the atoll soil inventory estimates,

and in the effective decay. Considering the large uncertainties in each componentof the ratios, the agreementis quite
good. For almost all atolls, the final ratio of total estimated

'’Cs deposited (from summing test specific estimates) to

the contemporary measurements of soil inventory were

within the range 0.7 to 1.3, well within the range of
uncertainty for the cumulative estimate (Table 9). While
most of the individual atolls, ratios are within the range

0.7—1.3, the overall weighted averageratio for both data sets
is close to unity. This suggests that our estimated deposition
values can be usedto reliably estimate external and internal
dosesfor all atolls even though the precision for each atoll
individually is not the same. It also suggests that we have
not neglected any substantial fallout on anyatoll.

The '*’Cs deposition densities (kBq m*) from the

Castle (1954) tests Bravo, Romeo, and Yankee, on four

Select target paragraph3