Fallout deposition m the Marshall Islands @ HL Beck er a
HYSPLIT model tended to predict a larger TOA than
imdicated by actual data, particularly at large distances,
possibly a result of small errors m the wind speed mput
data, although errors m wind direction vectors and m the

debris cloud model could also be partly responsible The
actual TOA may also have been shorter than predicted
due to ramout from clouds that otherwise would not have
reached ground level (Moroz et al 2010)

Estimated ‘Cs deposition at each atoll from


Because the estimates of ‘Cs deposition were

uncertain,a key test of their overall validity was the igh
degree of agreement between the cumulative estimated

"Cs deposited at each atoll and the total mventories

measured many years later This agreement 1s discussed

below under “Estimatesoftotal °’Cs deposition from all

Uncertainty inCs deposition estimates

As discussed, best estrmates of the E12 exposure

each test
Usmg the various types of measurement data discussed earher, supplemented by calculations from the

rate from each test and the resultant '’Cs deposited were

made for eachatoll for each of the tests listed m S1mon

of available data and the uncertamty mthe ratio of "Cs

NOAA-HYSPLIT model, deposition estrmates have been

et al (2010a, Table 1) A best estimate of "Cs deposi-

made based on available data, HYSPLIT modeling, or

imterpolation An uncertamty estimate was assigned to
each of these estimates based on the quality and amount
to E12

In general, if the estrmates were based on

tion was madefrom all available data for each test and
eachatoll Results, expressed m Bq m~%,are presented m
Table 7 If no actual data were available for a particular

multiple sources of consistent measurements, a geomet-

observed pattern of fallout measurements madeat nearby
atolls When there was reason to suspect the quality of
any Measurement data, agam based on the pattern of
fallout at nearby atolls, some mital deposition esumates
were subsequently modified to achteve better agreement
of the total estimated fallout with the measured soil
mventory data
A mayor problem m making a best estrmate of
fallout on a given atoll from the available data was
deciding which data were more relable when estates
based on different measurements did not agree One
problem was that no formation was available on the
exact locations of most of the various measurements
Someofthe atolls such as Kwayalein are very large and
fallout could have varied over the atoll] area Ground
survey measurements were generally few m numberand,
thus, might not be representative of the average fallout
The airplane survey measurements were usually the maximum recorded readmgs during the flyover of the entire

questionable measurement, a GSD of 1 8 was assigned

atoll, estimates were based on mterpolation based on the

atoll However, because of the flight alutude, the measured value, even after correction for altitude, may often

be lower than the actual highest ground level value,
especially for the smaller islands
It 1s also difficult to mterpret data from measurements madeat times of several weeks or moreafter the
minal fallout occurred In such cases, heavy local precipitation between the time of deposition and measurement would have resulted m a reduction in the exposure
rate as discussed m Bouville et al (2010) The possibility
of weatherimg was considered m our assessment of E12
for a particular test or atoll, particularly when the data
were obtamed over a several day period or when the

Measurements were mconsistent

nic standard deviation (GSD) of 1 3 was assigned, 1f the
data were sparser or somewhat mconsistent, a GSD of 1 5
was assigned, and if the estimate was based on a

The GSDsassigned to the estrmated '’Cs deposition
wereidentical to those for E12 unless there was fractionation, m which case the GSDs were mcreased to reflect

the large uncertamty m the estrmated "Cs to E12 ratio

If no data were available, and an estimate was based on

imterpolation of data at nearby atolls, the uncertamty
estimate was based on the quality of the data at those
atolls and the apparent variability as a function of
distance For a few tests, particularly those prior to 1952,
no actual momtormg data were available, and all fallout

estimates were based on the meteorological modeling

Forthose estimates, a GSD of 3 0 wasassignedto reflect

the very ugh uncertainty The net uncertamty im thetotal

"Cs deposited from all tests at an atoll was calculated
assumingal] individual test estmates were uncorrelated
The estimated SD m the effective half-life was used
to estimate the resultant SD m decay to either 1978 or
1991-1993 The latter was then combined with the
estimated uncertainty m the sum of the measured fallout

"'Cs to estimate the overall uncertamty m the expected

mventory m 1978 or 1991-1993

Estimates of total"Cs deposition from all tests

Thetotal °’Cs deposition at each atoll from all tests

was summed and the uncertainty estimate m this sum
calculated by combinmg the individual uncertamty est-

mates The estrmated total "Cs deposited at each atoll

from all tests 1s shown in Table 5 of Simon et al (2010a),

and a groupmg ofthe atolls mto four categories, based on

stmilar magnitudesof cumulative '*’Cs deposition,1s shown

im Table8 ofthis paper and m Fig 2 of Simonet al (201 0a)
While these categories are relatively distinct m termsofthe

Select target paragraph3