Some additional discussion, limited to consideration of new data and to topics
treated only briefly elsewhere, is given in the following section,
The data for biological and sil samples presented in this report are

presented in units of 1/1000 of the maximum permissible tolerance of Sr90 in
human bene for an average man of 1000 grams total body content of calcium.

Thus, the "Sunshine Unit" is 1/1000 microcuries of Sr90 per 1000 grams of
e3icinn or 2,2 disinteprations per minute rer gram of calcium.

Results for

water and alr sam.Jes are reported in disintetrations ver minute of Sr?0 for
convenient reference earple volume.
Samles assaved by the Nuclear Science and Engineering Corvoration,

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, under subecntract, are designated by the letter "Pm

following the Chicezo Laboratory sample number (i.e., CL xxx-P),


Select target paragraph3