

“Jashincton, D. C,.:



Collected at the Naval Research

Samples were taken bv direct fall into gal-

vanized tubs on the roof of one of the NRL buildings.
The precivitation in inches is that reported by the local
“eather Bureau station for the period of sample collection.



CL 790: Rain, 2.40 gale, 0,41", collected 2000,
April 12, 1955 to 000, April 12, 1955.

3.3 + 1h

CL 791~P:

25.6 + 3.5

Rain, 2.92 gal., 0.63", collected 0030

to 1500, April 1h, 1955.

CL 792: Rain, 0.645 gal., 0.21", collected 2315
to 2490, april 1h, 1955.

4, CL 793~P: Rain, 1.60 cal., 0.23", collected 2100,

6.7 + 2.2


CL 79%: Rain, 0.697 gal., 0.21", collected O15,
April 2h, 1955 to 0300, Arril 25, 1955,

195.0 + L.3


CL 795~P: Rain, 2.30 gal., 0.339", collected 1500,
April 25, 1955 to 0709, Avril 26, 1955,

15.5 + 0.6

CL 7973;

112.9 + 2,0

April 21, 1955 to O2hS, April 22, 1955,



39,0 + 1.7

Rain, 0.771 gal., 0.19", collected 1630

to 2030, May 20, 1955.
CL 798-P:

Rain, 1.17 gale, 0.29", collected 125

to 100, May 22, 1955.

1.92 + 0,22

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvenia: Collected bi the Nuclear
Science and Engineering Corporation, Samples were taken
by direct fall into galvanized tubs on the roof of the
laboratory building. The precinitation in inches is that
reported hy the local Jeather Bureau station for the
veriod of sample collection,


CL &76-P:

Rain, PL-20-7/, 2.7 gale, 0.48", col-

16.6 + 145

2, CLE77-P: Rain, PL-21-N7, 5.70 gal., 0.65", col-

18.8 + Le


8.2 + 0.5

lected 1200, July 10, 1955 to 1000, July 19, 1955.

lected 1000, July 19, 1955 to 1100, July 25, 1955.
CL 878-P: Rain, PL-22-R7, 4.0 gale, 0.60", collected 1100, July 25, 1955 to 9900, July 28, 1955.

kh, CL O79-P: Rain, PL~23-WT, 1.93 gal., 0.18", col-

8.7 + 1.0


CL 961-P:

Rain, 3 Pl-2))-R7, 3 0.66 gal., o 0.16", 3 col-

10,8 + 1.0


CL 962-P:

Rain, Pl-25-R7, h.91 gal., 1.96", col-

5.55 + 0.32

lected 0900, July 26, 1955 to 1000, August-6, 1955,
lected 1000, Ausust 6, 1955 to 1500, August 8, 1955,

lected 1500, August 8, 1955 to 1630, August 11, 1955.




Select target paragraph3