Sunshine Units



CL 1040-P: Beltsville #5511U6B, 10,22 g oxalate, 17.8 + 1,0
6.8h g oxide, h.c9 g Ca.

Interlaboratory check sample, Tifton, Ceorgia,
November 2, 1955, electrodialysis extraction of
kh lbs, soil, O-4" depth.

ae CL 10h1-P:

Beltsville #551523,, 0.694 2

oxalate, 0.26 g oxide, 0,185 ¢ Ca,



CL l0h2:

Beltsville #551523B, 0.59 g oxalate,

0.22 g oxide, 0.15 ¢ Ca.


Brawley, California, Beltsville #56316,

collected Januar; 5, 1956, electrodialysis extraction of
Ibs, soil, 0-6" depth, 16,56 g oxalate,
6.35 g oxide, 45h g Ca.

16h, + 12

178.2 + 7.1

Foreign, Northern Hemisnhere


CL 1055:

Eneland, Beltsville #514753, obtained

by Dr. L. Alexander in July 195h, extracted by

fusion of a 100 pram subsanmle of a li 1b, electro-

dia’ yzed soil sample, O-3" depth, 4.15 g oxalate,

1.59 g oxide, 0.136 g Ca, (1.2 + 0.3 dpm Sr

total samle activity.)

CL 1095-P: Calcareous, Paris, France, Beltsville
#5561, obtained ty Dr, L. Alexander, February

0.69 + 0,05

16, 1955, electrodialysis extraction of
soil, O-h" depth, 29.30 g oxalate, 11.06 g oxide,
7090 g Ca.


CL 881:

Italy, Leltsville #55772, obtained by Dr.

L, Alexander, February 5, 1955, Ni) AC extraction
los. soil, O-)" deoth, 113.1 g oxalate, 16.5h
g oxide, 11.5 ¢ Cae

he CL 882: Turkey, Beltsville /'55677, obtained by

Dr. L, Alexander, February 7, 1955, WH) aC extrac-

1.6 + 0.05

1.28 + 0.07

tion of h los. soil, O-l" depth, hL.6 g oxalate,
16.95 ¢ oxide, 12.0 ¢ Ca.

Se CL 883: Turkey, Beltsville #55128, obtained by

Dr. L, Alexander, February 2€, 195), NH) AC extrac-

tion of 4 lbs, soil, 0-2" depth, 42.0 g oxalate,

16.31 g oxide, 11.5 2 Ca,


CL 68h: Turkey, Beltsville 7'551285, obtained by
Dr. L, Alexander, Feoruary 26, 1954, NAy.c extrac-

2ehh + 0.13
1.52 + 0.05

tion of k los, soil, 0-2" depth, 47.5 @ oxalate,
18,28 g¢ oxide, 12.8 ¢ Ca,



Select target paragraph3