

CL 9946:

.e 3 years, Massachusetts,

55-320, December 23, 1955,
vertebrae, 5.33 g ash, 2.0

CL °98-P:

ribs and
g Ca.

ge 24 years, Massachusetts,

155-325, December 26, 1955, vertebrae

0,60 :
O.li7 :

and ribs, 9.90 g ash, 3.02 g Ca,


CL 1000-P;

.ge ll years, Massachusetts,

155-327, December 30, 1955, vertebrae and

O,el :

ribs, 33.48 g ash, 10.3 g Ca.

(19) CL 1091: «ge 6 years, New York, 456-1,

Jnvary 1, 1956, vertebrae, 4.95 g ash,

0,6 +

1,05 g Ca,


CL 1002: ce 11/3 vears, Masseclusetts,
454-2, Jmuary 1, 1956, vertebrae, 2.25 g
ash, 0,02 g Ca,
CL 2903:

«ge 7 weeks, Sassachusetts,

250-3, January 25 1953, vertebrae, 2.97

0.80 -

g asi, 1-Cy g Ca.


CL 200L-P: ..go 2 3/4 vears, Rhode Island,
a50-5, January h, 1956, vertebrae, 6.8 ¢
ash, 1.91 g Ca.


CU 109%5-P: Age 5 months, New Hanpshire,
Adt-0, Jemuery 6, 1956, vertebrac and
ribs, 6.°5 g ach, 2,16 ¢ Ca.

0.97 |

CL 1007-P:


ce 24 vears, lassachusetts,

af6-"0, January 10, 1956, vertebrae,
5.98 g ash, 1.73 g¢ Ca,


Adults (over 15 years)

United States

Furnished by Dr. Shields ‘Jarren, Cancer Research
Institute, New England Deaconess Hosvital,
Boston, ‘iassachusetts,


CL 863-P:

Three samples combined, age

range l0-ll, years, Hassachusetts, ribs,
sterna and vertebrae, 51.2 g ash, 17.7 g Ca.

(a) #161066, age Ub years, May 5,1955.

#55856, age 0 years, Mav 26, 1955,


#161952, age 4O years, June 8, 1955,



Select target paragraph3