fortuitous since the available Sr?) in the soils, that fraction extractable
into normal neutral ammonium acetate, is somewhat less than the total,
From Picture 3 it is clear thet most of the fallout has becn deposited
since the begirning of 1953,

The change in average annual slope indicates at

least qralitatively the increasing annual contribution of stratosoheric debris

to total fallcvt.

The general agreemnt between the change in goil level md

eumletive fallout in rains during the intervening neriod is graphic indication
that the scavenging of the atmosphere by rains is the primary mechanism of

Sampling of rains iith tubs continuously exosed vill include collec-

tion of dry fallout of large particles vhich may be appreciable for considerable
disteices dovmvind of test areas during the first few days following an atomic


Select target paragraph3