
Period 2100, Arril 1), 1955 to 1630, April 29, 1955
CL 562—P

Cl. 563-P


53.5 + 3.3 don total

3hekb + 1.5


CL 517-P

Open teh

é7 = 7 dom total

CL 619-—{P

Wiet" ub

72.0 9

Covered tub

34 Q



YOO dan total

Period 1190, May 13, 1955 to 1139, a 23,
OL 527.2


Covered tub

Period 1800, April 22, 1955 te 0°30, Hay 13, 1965
CJ. S18-P


Open tb

Oman tub
Covered tb

SO + 5 dm total
7O+ ©

Period 1700, Mav 23, 1955 to 1930, due 6, 1°55

CL 68

CL 6h4

Goon trib
Covered ub
"Yet" two

210 + € ha total
e390 x 12"
Zod = &


The asreement in total Sr°O activity collected by each of the several
wtanors is


The only signific :nt diserevency is the lov value for

CL 563-P * ich micht be explained by tie occurrence of a very hoavy rainzall
“th a possinle resultant loss of sanple due to snlashing off the >olastic

Another nossibility is the oceurrerce of arv fallowt which conld heve

been bloym off the plastic cover by surface winds.

It asnears that the Sr7?

ic weter svlwile at the time of collection and is net absorved on the walls
the vessels,

It is further indicated that once cenosited in rains, the Sr7O

Yellout does not blow around si




These results testify to the adequacy of the water collection and cienical
seraration vwrecetures used and indicate tnat an cnen tub provides for rejliarle
colicetion of vreei-itaticn for extended rericds of time.

Since the Sr acti-

vity is ewmarentiv cuite soluble, large voiune coilecticns can .e se

aliguotted to reduce the saanle shivme-t vroblem,

Thus, the collection of

orecinitation an ears to be a practicabl: metiod to aug-rent, or even revlace,
the sticky paper collector as a general inthod of vorld -ride monitoring


Select target paragraph3