II, Sr” in Chicago Rains

Summary of Chicago Rain Data, 1953 through 1955
Table 1 shows the estinated monthly and yearly totals of Sr90 deposited

per square foot in the Chicago arca, together with totals for rains actually
The 1953 rain samzles were roof run-off samples collected by the Chicago
Tritium Research Group,

Tor these, it is assumed that the result in disintecra

tions per minute was constant for each rain, and the gr90 deposited per square

foot was computed from the total precivitation in inches rcported by tue Veaths:
Bureau for the University of Cnicrgo station.

The 1954 samples were individualreins collected in a galvanized wash tub
on the roof of tne Jones Chemistry Laboratory building.

For tnese, the total

sample activit: divided by the collection arza was taken as the Sr?0 deposited
per square foot for individual rains,

For voth 1953 and 195), rains, the total monthly decosit was estimated »y
multiplying the denosit in disintegrations per minute per square foot ner inch
of rain fer the rains measured br the total nonthly precipitation in inches.

Table 2 shows the total monthly deposits for 1955 rains,

At all three

locations the 1955 collections were made in galvanized tubs, and the total
monthly precipitation was taken,

For these, tne deposit per square foot was

computed from total sammle activity divided by collection area,

The 1955


collections were made with the tubs exncsed ccntinuously and thus any dry
material falling out betwecn rains vas included in the sample.

Select target paragraph3