Chief of Transportation (TC Technical Committee)
Chief of Ordnance (ORDTB)

Chief Chemica® Officer
Deputy Chief of Staff for Military Operations
Assistant Chie of Staff, G-2
CG, Chemical Corps Res. and Dev. Command
CO, Hq., Chemica! Corps Materiel Command

Aberdeen Prov'ng Ground (Library)
Prisicent, Chemical Corps Board

CO, Chemica? Corps Training Command (Library)
CO, Chemica. Cerps Field Requirements Agency
CO, Chemic2l Warfare Laboratories

Office of Chief Signal Officer (SIGRD-8B)

Director, Walter Reed Army Medical Center

CG, Cortinental Army Cormmand, Fort Monroe (ATDEV-1)
CC, Quartermaster Res. and Dev. Command ©

Directo>, Operations Research Office (Librarian)
CO, Dugway Proving Ground

Director, E:ans Signal Laboratory (Nucleonics Section)

Signat Corps Center, Fort Monmouth

CC, Eng neer Res. and Dev. Laboratory (Library)

CO, Trarsportation Res, and Dev, Command, Fort Eustis
Commandart, Army Aviation School, Fort Rucker
Presidert, Board No. 6. CONARC, Fort Rucker

NLO, CONARC, Fort Rucker

Directc-, Specia: Weapons Development, Fort Bliss
CO, Frankford Arsenal
CO, Ordnance Materiais Research Office, Watertown
CO, Wate -town Arsenal
Tokyc Army Hospital

Directorate of ™telligence (AFOIN-3B)
Commanier, Ais Materiel Command (MCMTM)

Commandes, Wright Air Development Center (WCRTY)

Commanier, Wrigtt Air Development Center (WCRTH-1)
Commarcer, Air Res, and Dev. Command (RDTDA)
Directsr, USAF Pro‘ect RAND (WEAPD)

Cemmandant, School of Aviation Medicine, Randolph AFB

USAF, SAIA, Randolph Field (Brooks)

CG, Stzaegic Air Command, Offutt AFB (IGABD)

CG, Strategic Air Command ‘Operations Analysis Office)
Commander, Special Weapons Center, Kirtland AFB

Office of Surgeon Genera} (AFCSG-!5)

Director, Air University Library, Maxwell AFB
Commander, Technical Training Wing, 3415th TTG

ca, Cambri3tge Research Center (CRHTM)

CO, Air Weather Service ~ MATS, Langley AFB



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