
wore me


Stetson, R.L., Schuert, E.A., Perkins, W.W., Shirasawa, T.H.,
and Chan, H.K.
Fallout (short title). U.S. Naval Radiological
Defense Laboratory, Operation CASTLE, Project 2.5a, Final

Report WT-915, January 1956 (CLASSIFIED).

‘Jones, J.W., and Overman, R.T.

100% Geometry lon Chamber.

The Use and Calibration of a

Oak Ridge National Laboratory,

Atomic Energy Commission Document AECD-2367, 20 March 1948,
Stetson, R.L., Shirasawa, T.H., Sandomire, M.M., Baum, S.,
and Chan, H.K.
Fallout (short title). U.S. Naval Radiological
Defénse Laboratory, Operation TEAPOT, Project 2.5.2, Final
Report WT-1154, 1956 (CLASSIFIED).
Bell, Carlos G., Jr.

Sanitary Engineering Aspects of Long-Range

Fallout From Nuclear Detonations.

Howard University and Atomic

Energy Commission.Report NYO-4654, January 1955.


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