wait on Bikini Island for 75 to 90 days until a new . site was prepared, and, also, that additional infor- mation about the food on Eneu would be available in a similar period of time. Therefore, they saw no reason why a final decision could not be delayed. They offered to move to Eneu in the meantime if Bikini was considered to be unsafe for that time period. 2) Move tc t "public domain" land in the State of Hawaii or in mainland United States. The people's reason for this preference was that there is no island in the Marshalls to which they could move which would not be the property of other islanders, and that they would not feel free to move about the island as they desired, —daandt or to fish where they thought it best, etc. in the United States which belongs to no one person or group and that, on such land, they would not be living on another person's land. Their spokesman stated they understood the problems of the culture and climate adjustments they would encounter. 3) If preferences numbers one and two are not possible, the various spokesmen stated they had no further location to me. ' ww _ OL Oatee ne hel minalpetarien! tonh their understanding that there is "public domain" land preferences and that they would leave the choice’ of a He tae eee, ob -” me ae ee It was