


anzex ™¢*# to fors Order 1-52 (Cont'd)
@. WILLTIM TWO ond THREE will have Mark 10 sct-up for trans—
titting Chomel 10 and receiving Channel 5 but on LAZY position during the
missicn unless dirceted otherwise. The APPROVAL Controller will identify

the airereft, noniter its ccurse, and transmit to it any instructions


Initial e:ntect with APPROVAL will be established on VHF

Channel €when one hentred miles out cf ENIVETOK, VHF Channel "H" will
be used as tnckan frequency for Charmel "C" for voice ccntzcts, In the

event VHF ccntact with ArrROVaL cannot be established WILLIAM TWO and
WILLL-M TEREE will use CW, HF frequencies £330 Ke, 7685 Ke and 14450 Ke,
for all ecntacts, CY c21l sign for APFROVAIL is MDE. Contact with inDE
shculd be nde cn assigned CW frequencies immediately after take-off,



Prenflight check of Merk 10 IFFs

WILLIVM TWO and WILLIAM THREE will set their Mark 10
IGF transponders cn Mode One (1) and turn the selectcr

switch to LOW two minutes pricr tz teke-off rell,


Mark 10 IFF will be oneretionel for four (4) nimates.

The .0C will notify the aircraft cf improver operaticna
cf the IFF, After this check the IFF will be placed in
the "standby" position for reziinder of mission unlcss
directed ctherwise.

Special Equipment Opcraticn For Willion twos





IPC psper will be inserted in al] C-1 fcils upon dezirtuce

fron Kwajalein an’ will net be chongcd until cpercting
erea is reached.

If lower cloud is visible, track this cloud for two (2)

to three (3) hours unless directed otherwise, Renort
position end aporcxinmete levels of activity as detcrnined by radiae instruments,

Enter cloud, if nossible, ani confirm level by B/199
endfor radiac instruncnts. If clowd is hot stort 211
sampling equipnont, 1.c. Be31, wing ‘cxes (qutocatically on), hunidry unit, ond C-1 foils, Install IP¢

paper in left side ani change t> polyfibre paper in

the right side,

Chance IFC every thirty (30) rirctes.

If B/199 gees off scecle pricr to ecmmlction of any

thirty (30) ninate intervzls the IPC paper will be

chanced as frequently cs is necessary to keen tho B/199

Yon sealc™ until the EY199 Oporatcr is sctisfici that the

cireraft is in the desired mart cf the cleoué, Fron this
point IPC saners will be changed at heurly intcrvcls on
the left side. If tho B/199 runs off serle ani ren-ins
Neff scaic" shut cff the equim-cnt ind usc radise instrunents to e-ntinuc the rission,
TS ELEVENT 132.4,3.1




Select target paragraph3