~$; . f. .:-.:,.’ ;., “#. :,+”. ., . ., ‘. ., : Mrs. Van Cleve, TIA, indicated that DOI is pre@ired to receive . . .:> comments on this aspect. ..:.,--.-L.,. Mr. Jonathan Weisgall, Legal Advisor for the people of Bikini, asked whether written comments presented by the-various groups .,...,. to DOI could be shared by all. . Mr. Gerry, MIALP, said that his group would be.~illing to provide .,., .. .-. copies of comments to any group present. .~’:% ... .. .. -. could do Mrs. Van Cleve, TIA, commented that if the or~ator this that would be fine and would they indica~jdistribution on to the original sent to DOI. DOI, though, would ~:prepared provide copies if needed. -y.:. Mr. T. Mitchell, Enewetak Counsel, asked whethey any Federal Agency comments would also be circulated. Mrs:2;Van Cleve stated that if any agency comments were received wi~the .;.”s week, they :%~> could be made available. ,.. ,.:;:j .:,. ,. Mr. T. Mitchell, Enewetak, stated that he lik@~”the Environmental Plan. He believes it goes the full distance, it covers the four named atolls, and provides for future research.jf He had two The first involved the develo-,t of standards observations. How are the s3ijkndardsgoing to for Dose Assessment comparison. If question of standards are t@e Part of ‘he be developed? plan and would be developed by contractor, th~~~itchell would ‘.=. . .. ,, .. . ..want to be involved. =-k*z Dr. Noshkin commented that the reference to st~”dards in the proposal was meant to refer to acceptable U.S.~~ederal standards. Mr. Mitchell, then stressed that he sees a ned.for the involvement of the local people (the four atolls) in @.e monitorin9 program. The research, the visits, the samPli._ ~ etc., should ? this was an be explained carefully. Dr. Noshkin agreed th~ important aspect and anticipated that prior tp~.+he start of every monitoring visit? a preliminary briefing~~”ession would %?i be held with the local people. .,<. Q,*. -.. Mr. Mitchell, Enewetak, raised the question of~.~~ransportation HOW would and communication support for the monitoring gi~ram. .:. ,~=+. G-this be handled? .>**= ... .~,%.= Dr. Noshkin pointed out that a special vessel ~uld be needed. The current DOE program has a chartered vessel~;. -. -,’ “..-. .. Mr. Mitchell asked if there were a dedicated vessel, would there .?. ,,i+::>. be any unused times available? ... :;; .’ Dr. Noshkin commented that the new program would call for 5 months use. Possibly the Education program might u~,,.2 months. This at this could leave up to 5 months free, but this was.=.’guess ‘,..;+:, ... stage. .-., .! ,>. ..<,, c.!_ -6-